Shop Front Signs: How to Choose the Best Shop Front Sign for Your Business

Shop Front Signs: How to Choose the Best Shop Front Sign for Your Business

Shop Front Signs: How to Choose the Best Shop Front Sign for Your Business

Shop front signs can make all the difference to the success of your business. They should be eye-catching so that they attract new customers, plus they should also reflect your brand’s identity. When it comes to designing a new sign for your business there are so many things to think about that it can often be overwhelming.  It is essential that you do what you can to make sure that your shop front signage is correct – you want to ensure that it captures your potential customers attention for all the right reasons! This article provides several top tips that will help you to design the perfect shop front sign in no time at all.

Sign Size

The first step is to calculate the size of the sign that you will require. As a rule of the thumb the bigger the sign the better. You should also check if there are any council regulations regarding the size and the colour of the sign. You will usually be able to have any sort of sign that you want, as long as it isn’t offensive.


The next step is to work out what information you would like to have on the sign. You will want to include the name of your business on the sign so that customers are clearly able to find where you are located. Some businesses will add a tag line to the sign which will clearly indicate the products and services that they offer. You can also include contact information for your business, so that customers are able to contact you if they visit the shop out of hours.

Sign Colours and Design

Now you are ready to work out what colours and style you would like the sign to be in. It is a good idea to use colours that you already have in your logo, and it’s also good to use matching fonts so that the sign has a more uniform look. If you want a complete makeover for your brand then it is a good idea to have a professional graphic designer create a new logo, or even the entire sign for you. Once you have completed your design you can take it to a sign manufacturer to make it.

Follow the above steps and you will be on your way to having a beautiful shop front sign in no time at all. Good luck!